Posts tagged "Moderation"
The Key to Maintaining Balance During The Holidays
December 28, 2015


The Key to Maintaining Balance During The Holidays

The sacred holiday season is in full swing. As spiritual aspirants, this time of the year presents a unique opportunity for us to practice self-awareness. If we are not careful, before we know it, we are entering the New Year flat on the couch, with a fully belly and an empty wallet.

Temptation is everywhere during the Holidays, and while a bit of indulgence is not a bad thing, we can easily lose balance. In its essence, Pranic Healing is a system of ...

Moderation & Non Excessiveness - The Key to Mastery!
December 14, 2015


Moderation & Non Excessiveness - The Key to Mastery!

Talking with Arhatic Yoga practitioners, Moderation is probably the virtue that is neglected the most as its benefits or inability to practice it, is not as noticeable as the other virtues at the first sight. However looking at life closely, we may notice that lack of moderation can lead to disaster!

Moderation also varies from one person to another. What is moderate for one person, might not be moderate for another. Therefore practicing moderation requires discernment and great amount of will.

Moderation is a manifestation of the Power aspect ...